Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Why to do an MBA - Top 3 Reasons to choose MBA as a career - Jagran Josh

Is an MBA degree a sure-shot path to success? Jagranjosh presents top 3 reasons for the potential aspirants as an initiative to answer all your queries and apprehensions regarding MBA degree and its scope. Know why to do an MBA and become a winner!

from Jagran Josh

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Top Colleges accepting MAH-CET 2019 Score - Jagran Josh

MAH-CET Exam is going to be held on 10th March, 2019. The exam will be conducted online and will be of 150 minutes. After the exam, the next big thing for the candidates is to identify the top colleges to seek admission. Here is a list of top B-schools that accept MAH CET Scores for admission to the MBA programme.

from Jagran Josh