At the moment, four highly prominent business schools are searching for new leaders: Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, UC-Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, Cornell University’s College of Business, and UCLA’s Anderson School of Management.
It is the first time ever that four of the top 20 U.S. business schools all are undergoing major searches for deans. Of course, there are more business schools currently in the hunt for deans, including Boston University, George Washington University and Auburn University. But the fact that four of the higest ranked institutions are searching for new deans has to make the task all the more difficult.
Afterall, leadership of academic institutions is an interesting conundrum. It is the preserve largely of senior faculty who have excelled as scholars. But scholarship for most faculty is a contemplative and even monastic pursuit. It does not naturally engender either the abliity or the desire to motivate others or engage with them empathically or persuasively. Not surprisingly, it is often believed that faculty most suited to leadership roles tend to be the least interested in them.
Search professionals also note that business school deans these days are expected to behave more like CEOs than deans of many other university schools and departments. “Deans are becoming less superstar faculty members who rise through the ranks and more of a mini-president who serves as the CEO of their unit,” says Mirah Hurowitz, a consultant in the higher education practice at Russell Reynolds Associates. “As competition for resources within universities increases, more universities are shifting greater responsiblity for revenue generation and cost control to the dean level. So you need candidate who have more of an ability to manage finances, to fund raise, to think outside the box, and to excel at such traditional roles as recruiting students and managing enrollment.”
Many also believe that business school deans are now feeling increasing pressure in their own universities which often treat the schools as cash cows as humanities continue to decline in popularity. “There is more of an anti-business sentiment throughout society and within universities,” believes one prominent dean. “The resentment is building up again. and it’s a bit more challenging. The core of the job is still exciting. Today, you just need someone with more EQ skill.”
One big issue: Will any of these universities choose a woman to lead these business schools? Two of the four deanships turning over are currently occupied by women: Sally Blount at Kellogg and Judy Olian at Anderson. In a world still dominated by white men, it would be a shame if at least one woman failed to earn one of these four prominent deanships.
At Kellogg, Haas, Cornell and Anderson, each school is large enough to have an internal roster of senior faculty with leadership experience on their CVs. And then there are external candidates who typically fall into three categories: Deans at rival business schools who want to trade up to a higher ranked institution, senior faculty with provide leadership ability at other business schools, and non-traditional candidates in the form of leaders from outside of the academy.
Targeting only one category of possible successors can increase the likelihood of a failed search. “I don’t think there is a shortage of candidates for deanships at business schools,” adds Hurowitz. “But search committess have to be more expansive in the way they build a pool of candidates. You come up with a shortage when you have a search committee wedded to things like publication records. Universities need to help search committees understand that these are not regular faculty searches. If that conversation occurs on the front end, it’s much more likely that the committee will come up with three or five options that a provost can get behind.”
Still, in recent years, search committees at major business schools appear to be more risk adverse and less likely to recruit outsiders for top jobs. They have either promoted from within, at such places as Dartmouth, NYU, Stanford, Michigan, Georgetown, and INSEAD, or have picked off a sitting dean at another school, such as HEC Paris, London Business School or Washington University. And there is a strong reason for this: When schools go for an outside dean, especially when they pick an outside academic, it is because they fail to achieve consensus or sufficient support behind an internal candidate. Going outside, however, also runs the risk of alienating strong internal candidates.
So who are some ideal candidates for these four current searches? Poets&Quants sought recommendations from several deans and senior associate deans to come up with a list of viable candidates at each school. Our assessment:
Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management
Dean Sally Blount, the first and only woman to lead one of the famed M7 business schools, is stepping down at the end of the current academic year. After what will be an eight-year run, she leaves the school in far better shape than she found it. Among other things, Blount led Kellogg’s first-ever major capital campaign, raising $365 million, including a doubling of contributions to the school’s annual fund which exceeded $10 million for the first time. She also built a new home for Kellogg, having been directly involved in every significant detail of the school’s new $250 million Global Hub on Lake Michigan which officially opened last March.
Though Blount had earned her PhD at Kellogg, she was an external recruit to the job, leaving her post at New York University where she ran the undergraduate business program. Of the four deanships currently available, this may well be the most desirable of them all. Kellogg is the most highly ranked of the bunch and now needs a new leader who can capitalize on the forward momentum established by Blount. Of all the open deanships, this position would most likely afford the winner the most latitude, with less university oversight than would exist at Cornell, Berkeley or UCLA given Kellogg’s prestige within the overall university. One immediate task is to make more evident Blount’s initiative for faculty to work across disciplines in a more integrated fashion.
Lori Rosenkopf
If the university wanted to duplicate the model it used in hiring Blount, it could do no better than recruiting Lori Rosenkopf, currently vice dean and director of Wharton’s undergraduate division. Like Blount, she is not only a woman but a serious academic who leads a major and prestigious undergraduate program in business. Rosenkopf would bring real academic cred to the job. She earned her B.S. and M.S. in operations research from Cornell University and Stanford University, respectively. She had been a systems engineer for Eastman Kodak and AT&T Bell Laboratories before earning her Ph.D. in management of organizations from Columbia University.
Since joining the Wharton faculty in 1993, Rosenkopf has taught courses for undergraduates, MBAs, doctoral students, and executive education participants, receiving the Hauck Award for distinguished teaching in the undergraduate program. For a decade, she taught Management 101 at the school. She has served as a senior editor for the journal Organization Science and as a consultant for the National Academy of Sciences, and she has been elected as the chair of the technology and innovation management division of the Academy of Management.
Most importantly, though, since 2013 she has done an outstanding job as vice dean of Wharton’s undergraduate program, leading her school to first in the rankings. She is a passionate advocate for the school and its students, even using Twitter to promote the program. Her deep interest in the intersection of technology and business would especially serve Kellogg well. That’s because the school for the first time ever placed more of its latest MBA graduates o the West Coast, mainly in tech firms, than any other region of the U.S., including the midwest.

Kellogg Dean Sally Blount says the $250 million Global Hub came in on time and under budget.
Youngme Moon

Harvard Business School’s Youngme Moon
Any search committee would be hardpressed not to look closely at Harvard Business School’s Youngme Moon, the dynamic marketing professor and current senior associate dean for strategy and innovation. The biggest problem, however, is extracting this dynamo of a leader from HBS where she will most likely become the first female dean and successor to Nitin Nohria.
The first Asian-American woman to receive tenure at Harvard Business School, the 53-year-old Moon boasts gravitas as an academic as well as proven experience as a superb leader and strategist of a large organization. Moon earned her M.A. and Ph.D. from Stanford and her B.A. from Yale University. Prior to joining Harvard Business School, she was on the faculty a MIT Sloan.
She has a track record as a true innovator. When she headed up Harvard’s MBA program from 2010 to 2014, she launched a number of key innovations in the curriculum, including more experiential learning in global settings at what had been a 100% case study school. She also was a key player in the launch of HBX, the business school’s online initiative, and its first and most successful program of business fundamentals called CORe (Credential of Readiness). So she would bring significant knowledge to Kellogg about the online education space.
Besides, Moon is a master teacher who has received the HBS Award for Teaching Excellence on multiple occasions and currently offers one of the most popular courses in the MBA program. She is also the inaugural recipient of the Hellman Faculty Fellowship, awarded for distinction in research. A welcome bonus: Her expertise in branding, consumer behavior and consumer goods, reinforced by the publication of a best-selling book, syncs with Kellogg’s stellar reputation in marketing.
Thomas Hubbard

Kellogg’s Thomas Hubbard
Of the few internal candidates to succeed Blount, the search committee would be making a grave mistake if it overlooked Thomas Hubbard who has been a professor at Kellogg since 2005. During the early years of Blount’s deanship, he served as senior associate dean for strategic initiatives from 2012 to 2015, an ideal position providing broad and deep knowledge of the management education landscape.
He is a solid intellect who also served as chair of Kellogg’s management and strategy department. Before joining Kellogg, he had been a professor at the University of Chicago’s Booth School and at UCLA. He also has been a visiting professor at Columbia Business School during 2004-2005. So he has the advantage of not only being head of strategy for Kellogg but also a feel for the cultures of three peer institutions.
He’s also immensely likeable. On his Twitter feed, he describes himself simply as a professor who happens to be a “Red Sox fan, golfer, dad of 3 and husband.”
Hubbard’s research interests mainly concern how information problems affect the organization of firms and markets, and therefore the structure of industries. His work has appeared in top-ranked journals such as the American Economic Review, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, and the Rand Journal of Economics. He is a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research.
He earned his PhD at Stanford in economics and his BA from Princeton University with high honors, also in economics.
Julian Birkinshaw

London Business School Deputy Dean Julian Birkinshaw
If the search committee wants Kellogg to have a truly global candidate in the mix, Julian Birkinshaw at London Business School should be at the top of the list. He is one of the few European business school leaders who meets all the criteria a U.S. school could ever want in a dean.
A long-time professor of strategy and entrepreneurship at LBS for 18 years, he is media savvy, having been quoted in numerous publications from The Wall Street Journal to The Economist. He is highly acomplished as the author of 13 books and more than 90 articles in such journals as the Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Harvard Business Review and Sloan Management Review. He is a gifted orator, able to deliver compelling, smart and highly articulate points of view to large and discriminating audiences.
And he is a true believer to what most business schools merely give lip service to: bridging the gap between research and practice. With management guru Gary Hamel, Birkinshaw was the co-founder of the Management Innovation Lab, a partnership between academia and business to accelerate the evolution of management.
Birkinshaw earned his administrative chops as deputy dean of programs at LBS and academic director of the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneruship. He earned his BSc from the University of Durha and his PhD and MBA from Western University’s Ivey School of Business in Canada.
Cornell University Johnson College of Business
Of the four current deanships, this one will certainly be the toughest to fill from the outside. That’s largely because of the mysterious and overnight sacking of Dean Soumitra Dutta in January of this year with no explanation. Even worse, the terse announcement of Dutta’s resignation—in just two sentences by a university spokesperson—did not even include a boilerplate thank you or praise for what Dutta had accomplished in the job. Without the ability to dismiss him from the faculty, the university administration has left a huge cloud of uncertainty for the next dean to wade through.
Still, Cornell is a great university and will always be able to attract a strong leader to what is a great opportunity to lead all three of the merged schools: Cornell’s Johnson Graduate School of Management, the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, and the School of Hotel Administration. The mashup effectively made the Cornell school rank third in terms of the size of its research faculty, behind Harvard Business School and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Once the merger was complete by 2016, Dutta who had been dean of the Johnson School since July of 2012 then become leader of the newly integrated business school that boasts 145 research faculty and nearly 2,900 undergraduate, professional, and graduate students.
The India-born academic came to Cornell from INSEAD where he had been a professor of business and technology for some 22 years. Though the Cornell Johnson post was his first job as dean, Dutta has served in various administrative roles at INSEAD, as head of external relations, executive education, and technology and e-learning. L. Joseph Thomas, a former dean of the Johnson School from 2007 to 2012, has been appointed interim dean until a permanent dean is appointed. The political undertones of Dutta’s ouster may sway the odds in favor of an inside candidate who can immediately gain the trust of the administration and be in a better position to leverage the advantages this recent merger.
Mark Nelson

Cornell Johnson Dean Mark Nelson
Though he only became dean of the Johnson Graduate School of Management in 2016, succeeding Dutta in the job, Mark Nelson has done a superb job representing the school and moving its innovative Cornell Tech MBA program onto the university’s new New York City campus on Roosevelt Island. He is devoted to the school, articulate about its mission and purpose, and a strong consensus leader. All this makes him a solid choice to succeed Dutta.
For one thing, Nelson is a well-known and respected academic on campus. When he was appointed to his five-year term as dean, Provost Michael Kotlikoff publicly noted that “the selection committee and I have been extraordinarily impressed by the depth, sophistication and comprehensiveness of his thinking regarding all aspects of the deanship, Johnson and the College of Business. We are extremely pleased and enthusiastic about his acceptance of this post.”
For another, Nelson, who reported directly to Dutta, knows the school and the university well. A member of the Johnson faculty since 1990, Nelson served as associate dean for academic affairs from 2007 to 2010, overseeing the school’s tenure-track faculty and research. Having been in the Cornell community for nearly 30 years gives him a strong knowledge base to step into a difficult situation and do well in it.
And it also helps that he has taught in two of the three schools. Nelson’s teaching has focused on intermediate accounting, including MBA courses at Johnson as well as undergraduate courses at Dyson. His many teaching awards include those from Cornell and Ohio State University as well as the AAA’s inaugural Cook Prize for teaching excellence. Nelson earned his Ph.D. in accounting in 1990 and a Master of Accounting degree in 1989, both from Ohio State University. In 1985, he received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Iowa State University.
Doug Skinner

Doug Skinner at Chicago Booth
For a brief 10-month period, Douglas Skinner quietly took over the deanship at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business on an interim basis. The accounting professor did an outstanding job at Booth holding things together between the departure of Sunil Kumar and the arrival of Madhav Rajan from Stanford.
The taste of being in charge, albeit briefly, probably gave the Australian more of an appetite for a chance to run a school over the long-term. Besides, he is a solid, though less than flashy, leader—exactly the kind of person Cornell needs at the moment. He also has the EQ to manage the delicate relationship between the university and the college of business at Cornell.
Skinner was chosen for the interim job at Booth after serving in the dean’s office for 16 months as deputy dean for faculty. He joined Booth in 2005 as an accounting professor from the University of Michigan where he had been on the faculty since 1989.
A leading expert in corporate disclosure practices, corporate financial reporting and corporate finance, Skinner had taught corporate finance and investments in Booth’s Executive MBA program in London and Asia for six years and also taught and supervised PhD students in accounting.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics with first class honors in Accounting and Finance from Macquarie University in Sydney and a master’s degree and PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Rochester.
Peter Tufano

Peter Tufano, dean of Oxford’s Said Business School
If Peter Tufano is getting a little homsick for America, the Cornell job could be appealing to him. He has now been dean of Oxford’s Saïd Business School since 2011, a job he assumed after serving as a faculty member at the Harvard Business School for 22 years. In fact, Tufano would be a leading candidate to succeed Nitin Nohria at HBS given the superb job he has done at Oxford as well as the number of key leadership roles he held while at Harvard.
At HBS, Tufano served as department chair, course head, and senior associate dean. He oversaw the school’s tenure and promotion processes, its campus planning, and he advised the university on financial and real estate matters. He was also the founding co-chair of the Harvard innovation lab (i-lab), a cross-university initiative to foster entrepreneurship and something that should make him especially appealing to Cornell given the recent opening of the school’s New York City Cornell Tech campus.
At Oxford, Tufano has quickly established himself as one of the more visionary deans. He has launched several initiatives to differentiate Saïd from other business schools, including a 1+1 MBA program that allows students to combine an MBA with scores of other masters program Oxford as well as a highly innovative capstone course for MBAs on Global Opportunities and Threats. Tufano also has been behind Oxford Launchpad, an incubator that brings together the school’s business students with counterparts on new business ventures.
Tufano earned his AB in economics (summa cum laude), MBA (with high distinction) and PhD in Business Economics at Harvard University.

Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University
L. Joseph Thomas

Cornell Johnson College of Business Interim Dean L. Joseph Thomas
Who ever said you can’t go home again? When the university asked for and received Dutta’s resignation, it immediately turned to an old hand and familiar face to lead the College of Business. L. Joseph Thomas was a safe bet, having been dean of the Johnson School from 2007 to 2012. Four years later in 2016, he was named professor emeritus of operations, technology and information management.
In getting Thomas to accept the interim role overnight, Provost Michael Kotlikoff turned to someone he could thoroughly trust and could put on a positive spin to the obvious leadership turmoil. “My goal,” said Thomas, “is to continue to build on the college’s many successes, and carry out its mission of excellence in teaching and research. Our course is set and we are full steam ahead.”
While Thomas would almost certainly be a short-term solution given his 76 years, he would immediately restore stability to the place, allowing the university to further groom Nelson or to gain more time to bring in another outsider. As dean of Johnson, Thomas led the development of the school’s long-term strategic plan, updated the Johnson’s brand and oversaw growth of the executive MBA programs. Prior to his service as dean, his leadership roles included associate dean for academic affairs, director of the doctoral program and director of executive education. Thomas has won several teaching and research awards and has consulted with and led management-education programs for several Fortune 100 companies.
UC-Berkeley’s Haas School of Business
After an 11-year stint as dean of UC-Berkeley’s prestigious Haas School of Business, Dean Rich Lyons announced last June that he intends to step down at the end of June of 2018. The guitar-strumming dean who returned to Haas from Goldman Sachs where he had been the chief learning officer has led major changes at the school. He oversaw an overhaul of the MBA curriculum, crafted a set of guiding principles for the school’s culture, launched Berkeley’s own Executive MBA program as well as a novel joint undergrad program with the university’s engineering school, and raised subsantial funds for a new $60 million building on the Haas campus. In fact, Lyons reeled in eight of the school’s ten largest gifts in its history.
Through every transition and change, the 56-year-old Lyons maintained the school’s stellar reputation as a world class player in business education. Sources say the search committee has been focused on gaining a successor to Lyons who is already a dean of a business school equivalent in prestige to Haas or a senior associate dean of a more highly ranked school. Strong academic cred, meaning a tenured faculty position with a chair, is an absolute necessity in the job. Combined, those are high hurdles for a search, but Haas would be a plum assignment, given its status and Bay Area location in the most dynamic sector of the economy. For a successor, the biggest challenge at Haas is dealing with ever decreasing state support, something at which Lyons has done an exceptional job.
Karl Ulrich

Wharton Vice Dean Karl Ulrich
At the very top of Haas’ list should be Karl Ulrich. the vice dean of entrepreneurship and innovation at the Wharton School. Ulrich is exactly the kind of innovator who could make a big and strong contribution to Haas, and he is a natural in the Bay Area, having under his purview Wharton’s West Coast campus in San Francisco. He also led Wharton’s aggressive move into MOOCs, a strategy that has made Wharton faculty and the school’s brand among the most well known throughout the world.
If Haas can convince him to leave, there is also an interesting precedent of sorts. When University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann picked Tom Robertson over the obvious and internally unanimous choice of Dave Schmittlein, Wharton lost Schmittlein to MIT Sloan where he still serves as dean. And when she chose Geoffrey Garrett as Wharton dean in 2014, she effectively put Ulrich on the open market. He has been a loyal member of Garrett’s senior leadership group. But the chance to run Haas could prove irresistible to him.
After all, as a true academic entrepreneur and innovator, he would seem more at home in the Bay Area than in Philadelphia. At Penn, he co-founded the Weiss Tech House and the Integrated Product Design Program, two institutions fostering innovation in the university community. In addition to his academic work, Ulrich has led dozens of innovation efforts for medical devices, tools, computer peripherals, food products, web-based services, and sporting goods. He even holds 24 patents. Ulrich is a founder of Terrapass Inc. which the New York Times identified as one of the most noteworthy ideas of the year, and he is a designer of the Xootr scooter, which Businessweek recognized as one of the 50 coolest products of the 21st Century. Ulrich holds bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in mechanical engineering from MIT.
Robert Helsley

UBC Sauder Dean bob Helsey
Bob Helsley knows the Haas School well. Between 2008 and 2012, he was a Haas professor and chair in real estate development as well as co-chair of the Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics. Then, he left Berkeley to move north to Canada to assume the deanship of the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business. For Helsley, Sauder represented a return trip. He had been senior associate dean of faculty and research at Sauder from from 2002 to 2008 before Berkeley stole him away.
This would seem an ideal time to steal him again as Lyons successor. He is credited with leading UBC Sauder to a level of prominence, Helsley managed initiatives to significantly renew and expand the school’s academic staff and played a central role in the revitalization of the school’s teaching facilities on the UBC campus.
And he clearly boasts strong academic chops. He completed an MA and PhD in Economics at Princeton University, and a BS in Economics and Mathematics at the University of Oregon. He has published widely in the areas of urban and public economics, real estate and public policy.
Candace Yano

Candace Yano, associate dean for academic dffairs at Haas
As associate dean for academic affairs at Haas, Candace Yano would be the leading inside candidate to succeed Lyons. She joined the school 17 years ago in 2001 after serving as chair of the university’s department of industrial engineering & operations research. One drawback is that other than her relatively short stint as an associate dean, she hasn’t accumulated all that much administrative experience. But given her long years at Haas and her strong academic bonafides, she would do a good job succeeding Lyons, and she knows the school and its culture well.
After earning four degrees(yes four!) from Stanford University, including her PhD in industrial engineering in 1981, Yanos worked for a couple of years at Bell Labs in New Jersey before beginning her career in academia at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor where she was an associate professor in the department of industrial & operations engineering. She could easily become the first female dean in Haas’ history.
UCLA Anderson School of Management
After more than a dozen years as dean of UCLA’s Anderson School of Management, Judy Olian announced in late January that she wouldl leave her post at the end of the academic year to become president of Quinnipiac University.
For the Australian-born Olian, who has led Anderson since January of 2006, the new opportunity will allow a return to the East Coast. Before starting at UCLA, she had been dean of Penn State University’s Smeal College of Business as well as acting dean and senior associate dean of the University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business.
She leaves a school that is much improved under her leadership. Olian successfully led a hard-fought effort through bureaucratic battles and faculty politics to gain self-supporting status for the school’s full-time MBA program. She has raised $400 million in philanthropic support at a public institution with little history of fundraising, bringing in a record $100 million gift from the late Marion Anderson. During an era of significant cutbacks in state aid, that money has allowed Olian to name three research centers, fund 13 term and endowed professorships, launch numerous student fellowships and programs, and begin construction of the new four-story, 64,000-square-foot, $80 million Marion Anderson Hall. More than half of Anderson’s current faculty were hired under Olian’s watch, and she has significantly increased gender diversity among both faculty and students.
Who would want to step into her shoes? Here are three very strong possibilities.
Idalene “Idie” Kesner

Idie Kesner, dean of the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University
An accomplished educator, administrator and leading researcher on strategic management, Idie Kesner has done an outstanding job as dean of Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business in the past five years. She is one of those rare highly personable leaders who inspires profound admiration and respect from every stakeholder at Kelley, starting with students to faculty and alumni.
Along with Amy Hillman at Arizona State University’s W. P. Carey School of Business and Sri Zaheer at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management, Kesner is among the few leading female business school deans in the world and one of the most accomplished. Her passion and devotion to IU may make her difficult to move, but she is a true believer in the mission of a public university.
At Kelley, she leads one of the largest portfolios of prestige, highly ranked business programs, with an undergraduate population of nearly 7,000 students in Bloomington alone, a full-time MBA program of more than 370 students, and one of the top online learning initiatives with 830 students enrolled in MBA and MS offerings.
Since joining the Kelley School faculty in 1995 from the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, her fingerprints are on nearly every aspect of the school’s many programs. She was chairwoman of Kelley’s Full-Time MBA Program from August 2003 to August 2006 and chairwoman of the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship from October 2006 to June 2009. From 1996 to 2003, she co-directed the school’s Consulting Academy.
Kesner received both her MBA and Ph.D. in business administration from IU; her doctorate was awarded in 1983. She also earned a bachelor’s degree in business from Southern Methodist University in 1979.
David Bach

Yale SOM’s David Bach
If UCLA’s search committee wants a dean with a more global mindset, David Bach would certainly fit the bill. As deputy dean at Yale’s School of Management, he has been instrumental in the creation of the school’s Global Network for Advanced Management and has introduced more global elements in SOM’s MBA curriculum. He also oversees SOM’s Executive MBA and newly established Master in Advanced Management programs. Bach also guides online education initiatives at SOM and oversees the Yale Center Beijing.
We’ve said all along that Bach and Anjani Jain, the two deputies to Dean Edward Snyder, could rightfully lead any business school in the world. Jain is now serving as acting dean until Snyder returns from a one-year sabbatical in July. One issue: Snyder is now 65 and has done three deanships. It’s likely that he will step aside in the near future so it may be difficult to take Bach out of what will be a chance to run SOM as Snyder’s successor.
Bach joined SOM in 2012 after having been a major player at IE Business School in Spain as dean of programs. A winner of multiple teaching awards, Bach was named one of “40 under 40” business school professors by Poets&Quants, one of the “Top 50 business school professors on twitter” and has twice given a GMAC keynote address on innovation in management education.
An expert in political economy, his research and teaching focus on business-government relations, nonmarket strategy, and global market regulation. At Yale SOM, he teaches a core MBA course on State & Society as well as an elective course on Nonmarket Strategy. A native of Germany, he received his PhD and MA in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley, and holds a BA magna cum laude in Political Science and International Studies from Yale University.
Ezra Zuckerman Sivan

MIT Sloan Deputy Dean Ezra Zuckerman Sivan
If Cornell wanted to go outside yet again for a successor to Dutta, it should give a hard look at MIT Sloan Deputy Dean Ezra Zuckerman Sivan. As deputy dean, the professor of strategy and entrepreneurship has responsibility for all of Sloan’s faculty, approximately 200 (hiring, promotion and tenure, performance evaluation, and compensation), and half a dozen research centers based in Sloan.
While the Cornell job is a big step up from his current role, Zuckerman’s performance as deputy dean since 2015 has been strong. He joined MIT in 2001 from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business where he had been an assistant and then associate professor for five years. A plus is his background in having taught in Stanford’s department of sociology, something that may make him more of an interesting candidate to run three schools that have been merged together.
It may also help that in 2015 he won an honorable mention for the Clifford Geertz Prize for Best Article for an article that may have given him additional insight into organizational politics. The article is entitled “When Politics Froze Culture.”
His master’s and executive level teaching centers on competitive and technology strategy. He is an economic sociologist whose research focuses on showing how an understanding of fundamental social processes is important for shedding light on key issues in business and management, as well as how an appreciation for the dynamics of business and management inform our understanding of fundamental social processes. Zuckerman holds a BA in political science from Columbia University as well as an MA and a PhD in sociology from the University of Chicago.
The post Best Candidates To Be Dean at Kellogg, Haas, Cornell & UCLA appeared first on Poets&Quants.
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