Bruce DelMonico, Yale SOM assistant dean for admissions. Yale photo
News from Yale SOM
“Many of you have read one of our blog posts, or watched an online webinar, or met a member of our team on a campus visit or at an event near you; you probably feel very familiar with us at this point. But you might feel less familiar with what happens once you’ve hit ‘Submit’ after months of reflecting, refining, and re-working each component of your application to make it the most accurate representation of yourself, your accomplishments, and your aspirations. I want to remove any sense of mystery about what happens to your application once the application is, so to speak, out of your hands.
“But first, I want to offer you congratulations for completing this lengthy process. That alone is a huge accomplishment, and I hope that through it you learned more about yourself than you knew before.
“These next few weeks may feel silent on your end, but I promise that on our end it is anything but quiet. In fact, our committee will now begin many discussions on the applications we have received in order to decide whom to interview, and later, whom to admit.”

Starting holder Henry Parker on the field during a game. Photo by Matthew R. Osborne/Tennessee Athletics
Football To Finance: SEC Scholar-Athlete Uses MSF Degree To Launch Career
News from Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management
“Parker Henry knows a thing or two about hard work: The Hendersonville native’s dedication to his high school studies paid off when he received a full academic scholarship to the University of Tennessee (UT). He maintained these excellent high school grades while playing football, and he also received several recruiting offers for college.
“At first, Henry opted to ‘go pro’ with his academics, hanging up his cleats and accepting the academic scholarship at UT. However, several months into his college career, Henry found himself itching to get involved in campus life beyond the classroom. ‘I had always been either an athlete or club president or something else, and not having that in my life kind of detracted from my college experience,’ Henry said. ‘I went and tried to find something I really loved to do.’”
Tuck School Of Business Restructures Administration
News from Dartmouth College Tuck School of Business
“Earlier this summer, Tuck School of Business Dean Matthew Slaughter announced several new administrative positions at the school that current Tuck employees have been selected to fill.
“The new roles include new deputy dean Punam Amand Keller and three associate dean positions held by former Office of the Dean chief of staff and executive director Gina des Cognets Tu’01, technology and strategy professor Connie Helfat and former assistant dean and director of the MBA program Sally Jaeger.
“For Slaughter, the process of restructuring Tuck’s administration started three years ago in the summer of 2015 when he began his new position as dean, he said. Slaughter said he and his colleagues ‘wanted to be really intentional about thinking about the proper structure and roles in the dean’s office and bringing new people into new and different roles.’”
Two Characteristics Of Digital World Conquerors
News from INSEAD
“Many digital products seem destined to achieve global success. WhatsApp was started in 2009 on the basic premise that SMS could be sent through the internet rather than through telecom operators. By the end of 2013, WhatsApp claimed a global user base of 400 million. Facebook bought the company for $19 billion the next year. Likewise, Angry Birds was developed by the Finnish company Rovio in 2009. The game quickly reached two billion downloads, and Rovio’s 2017 revenues totalled close to 300 million euros.
“These companies grew internationally with little initial adaptation of their products to the local geographical markets. For example, WhatsApp had the same user experience in the United States and in France. The experience of an Angry Birds player was also uniform around the world. While strategy textbooks say that internationalisation often presents hurdles, Rovio and WhatsApp seem to provide counter-examples. So, does this mean that in the digital era, the traditional barriers to rapid international growth have been radically lowered?”
HBS Marketing Club Presents: The Brand Summit
News from Harvard Business School
“As marketers, we believe it is our job to create value, communicate that value to our customers, and capture a portion of that value for our firms. A great way to do this is to build strong brands, allowing us to reap the benefits of stronger customer recognition and loyalty, enhanced credibility, and a competitive edge in the market. Of course, this is easier said than done. In a world of rapid technology advancements and changing consumer preferences, marketers are constantly tested on how quickly they can adapt and reassess their marketing toolkits. The Brand Summit, hosted by the Marketing Club at Harvard Business School, aims to provide a platform where current and future marketing professionals can connect, share branding ideas, and grow together.
“We will kick off the Brand Summit with our third annual Marketing Case Competition on November 3, 2018. Teams of MBA students from top schools across the country will compete for the $2,000 grand prize. This case will require participants to complete quantitative and qualitative analyses similar to those expected in post-MBA marketing roles. It is a great opportunity to test skills, learn something new, and have an experience to discuss during interviews.”
Conference To Examine The Role Of Design In Business
News from Yale SOM
“Business leaders and students will join practitioners and students of the art of design at Edward P. Evans Hall in November to explore the role of design in business.
“The conference, titled ‘The Design of Business/The Business of Design’ and presented by the design website Design Observer and the professional association AIGA, will take place on November 2 and 3. The event will convene corporate leaders and designers to discuss the core values and best practices that support design-led business, as well as the impact that design has on business practices and processes.
“’Our goal is to examine design as a humanist discipline, as a management discipline, and as a catalyst in business,’ says Jessica Helfand, lecturer in design and management and a founder of Design Observer.”
Why China’s Economic Troubles Run Deep
News from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania
“China’s GDP growth slowing to 6.5% in this year’s third quarter has raised questions over the role of excessive debt within the country, the impact of its trade war with the U.S., and the general trajectory of the Xi Jinping regime that is seen to be moving away from reforms toward stronger state control of the economy. Chinese leaders have sought to reassure investors that the country’s underlying fundamentals continue to be strong. However, experts at Wharton and Stanford University stress that problems such as China’s debt load run deep and pose a significant threat to the country’s economy.
“Marshall Meyer, Wharton emeritus professor of management, said that more than China’s GDP growth statistic of 6.5%, or the trade war with the U.S., his concern is about ‘the underlying currents in the Chinese economy.’ Senior Chinese government officials are correct in describing the impact of the trade war as mainly psychological, he noted. As it happens, China’s vice premier Liu He told the state news agency Xinhua last week: ‘The Sino-U.S. economic and trade frictions have also impacted the stock market, but frankly speaking, the psychological effect is bigger than the actual impact.’”

Sandra E. Peterson. Cornell photo
Hatfield Fellow To Address Economics, Empathy In Leadership
News from Cornell University Johnson Graduate School of Management
“Sandra E. Peterson ’80 will speak on ‘Reconstructing Leadership: Why Economics and Empathy Matter in Equal Measure,’ Thursday, Nov. 1, at 4:30 p.m. in Alice Statler Auditorium as Cornell’s 36th Robert S. Hatfield Fellow in Economic Education.
“Leaders today are under intense pressure to produce results while advances in science, technology and connectivity disrupt ways of doing business. In her talk, Peterson will address why business acumen is only part of being a successful leader in today’s global environment.
“Peterson, a graduate of the College of Arts and Sciences, is the former group worldwide chair for Johnson & Johnson, the world’s largest healthcare company. Previously she was chairman and CEO of Bayer CropScience AG in Germany, CEO of Bayer Medical Care and president of Bayer HealthCare AG’s Diabetes Care Division. She has held leadership roles at Medco Health Solutions (previously Merck-Medco), Nabisco, Whirlpool Corp. and McKinsey & Co.”

Vanderbilt photo
Students Reflect On The 2018 National Black MBA Association Conference
News from Vanderbilt Owen
“The National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA) hosted its first career conference in 1979, and the event has been a mainstay of MBA recruiting ever since. While the NBMBAA is primarily dedicated to supporting black professionals in the business world, the conference is open to attendees of all backgrounds, and Vanderbilt Business coordinates a trip for a large group of students every fall. At the conference, students learn about companies and sponsors, network with recruiters, and even interview for internships and jobs on the ground.
“This year’s conference was held from September 25 to 29 in Detroit, Michigan, and two of Owen’s attendees — Shaurya Bajpai and Laura Maguire — share their thoughts on the experience below in their own words.”
How The U.S. Can Rebuild Its Capacity To Innovate
News from HBS
“Many U.S. firms have long had a simple mantra: ‘Invent here, manufacture there.’ But, increasingly, those same companies are now choosing to invent as well as manufacture abroad. From automotive to semiconductors to pharma to clean energy, America’s innovation centers have shifted east, offering growing evidence that the U.S. has lost what Harvard Business School’s Willy Shih calls the ‘industrial commons’: indispensable production skills and capabilities. It’s not just that virtually all consumer electronics are designed and made overseas. It’s that the U.S. has lost the underlying capacity to make products like flat-panel displays, cell phones, and laptops; nearly half of the foreign R&D centers established in China now belong to U.S.-based companies.
“This isn’t just a lesson for the United States. It’s a lesson for countries around the world: Once manufacturing bids farewell, engineering and production know-how depart as well, and innovation activities eventually follow. We can trace how this happened in the U.S. by looking back to the original offshoring frenzy which started with consumer electronics in the 1960s. The invention of modern transistors, the adoption of standardized shipping containers, and the advent of low-cost assembly lines in East Asia lowered costs and created larger markets for televisions and radios, setting the stage for an Asian manufacturing powerhouse. By the time that substantial U.S. federal research investments enabled the invention of the magnetic storage drive, lithium-ion batteries, and liquid crystal display technologies that paved the way for the next generation of consumer electronics in the 1980s and 1990s, the U.S. had already ceded electronics manufacturing to Asia.”
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