Erica Santoni and her partner on Boston Harbor. Courtesy photo
News from Harvard Business School
“I was so close to not even applying to HBS. Being admitted seemed so unlikely that I thought it was a waste of time to even try.
“Before I even applied to HBS, I felt a mix of deep respect and reverential fear toward the HBS Admission Officers. I didn’t think I was good enough to pass their judgement. But as I look back on the application process, I realize that my harshest critic was not sitting on the MBA Admissions Committee: it was me.
“The possibility of pursuing an MBA had been on my mind since college, and Harvard was without a doubt my dream school. Nevertheless, when the moment came to apply to B-school, I did not feel ready. I was finding excuses to postpone the application.”
McCombs Students Need To Pursue Creativity, Think Outside The Box
News from University of Texas-Austin McCombs School of Business
“The business world is lightning-fast. The moment one revolutionary company is born, 20 other companies die out.
“With such rapid technological changes and the constant evolution of industries, business students must build an adaptable skill set that goes beyond textbook knowledge. As much as college curricula emphasizes technical skills, there is a fundamental intangible skill that often determines the success of a business — creativity.
“In an IBM survey of over 1,500 CEOs around the world, creativity was ranked as the top skill for individual business success. It was higher than skills such as rigor, management discipline and vision. UT business students should supplement their technical core curriculum with creative elective classes that broaden their perspective, strengthen their complex problem solving abilities and build their competitive edge.”

Members of the panel included (left to right) Jamil Anderlini, Jing Tsu, Nuno Monteiro, Peter Salovey, Stephen Roach, and Aleh Tsyvinski. Photo by Michael Marsland
Yale Experts Consider Consequences Of China’s Rise As Global Power
“President Xi Jinping of China has marked 2049 — the centennial of the founding of the People’s Republic of China — as the date by which his country will be a fully developed and prosperous global power. A panel of Yale faculty on Nov. 2 considered China’s chances of meeting the goal and the implications for the United States should it succeed.
“Jamil Anderlini, Asia editor for the Financial Times, moderated ‘China 2049 — New Era or New Threat,’ which was held at the Yale School of Management. It featured panelists Yale President Peter Salovey; Stephen Roach, senior fellow at Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs; Jing Tsu, professor of East Asian languages and literatures and comparative literature; Nuno Monteiro, associate professor of political science and director of international security studies; and Aleh Tsyvinski, the Arthur M. Okun Professor of Economics.”

The Four Most Prevalent Myths About Electric Cars
News from INSEAD
“Just one look at our cities — from Berlin to Baghdad, Bangkok to Buenos Aires, Boston to Baton Rouge — makes it blatantly obvious. During rush hours or holidays, potentially productive or relaxing time is wasted. Individuals are stuck in metal boxes that weigh over a tonne, moving slowly forward while they inhale air packed with carcinogenic particles. Surely, we can do better. Fortunately, disruptive players are working hard to accelerate the switch to electric cars.
“Meanwhile, those with interests to stave off mobility disruption tend to make four spurious attacks.”

UVA photo
Accolades: Governor Honors UVA With Environmental Excellence Award
News from University of Virginia Darden School of Business
“The University of Virginia was recognized as a gold medal recipient of the Virginia Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award, the commonwealth’s highest honor in the field.
“The award, given in April at the 29th Environment Virginia Symposium in Lexington, recognizes significant demonstrated leadership across the commonwealth and across sectors in protecting Virginia’s natural environment. The awards are sponsored by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation.
“UVA was awarded this honor for ‘its demonstrated commitment to the stewardship of Virginia’s natural resources’ through its comprehensive sustainability programs, according to the award citation.”

Larry Van Horn, left, and former Senator Bill Frist discussed healthcare investing at Vanderbilt Owen. Owen photo
Senator Bill Frist Speaks To Students, Alumni About Healthcare Investing
News from Vanderbilt University Owen Graduate School of Management
“Even though it was the night of the midterm elections, there was hardly any mention of politics during the former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist’s talk on November 6. ‘We agreed not to have, and I don’t think anybody wants to hear, any conversation about politics, even though this is Election Day,’ joked Larry Van Horn, Executive Director of Health Affairs and Associate Professor of Management (Economics) at the Owen Graduate School of Management, following an introduction by Ralph Owen Dean M. Eric Johnson.
“While Frist is most known for his 12 years in the Senate, including four years as Senate Majority leader, he also has extensive experience in healthcare both before and after his time in politics. In fact, Frist and Van Horn co-founded the Nashville Health Care Council Fellows program, which brings together top healthcare executives from around the country to explore new solutions that meet the challenges facing the U.S. healthcare system.”

Dartmouth Tuck
Don’t Donate To Penn
News from Dartmouth College Tuck School of Business
“Higher education is a philanthropic cause that pries open the wallets of billionaires. But, that money should go to the institutions that can best serve students, not to those with the most attractive brand names.
“Every now and then, the world of higher education falls into a frenzy over the latest mega-donation. In 2015, John Paulson dumped $400 million on Harvard University. The following year, Phil Knight threw the same sum Stanford University’s way. There is intense competition among elite universities to boost the size of their endowments. Likewise, billionaires compete over who can lay claim to the most innovative alma mater, which helps explain the trend towards ostentatiously large gifts.”

Raffaella Sadun. HBS photo
Harvard Business School Associate Professor Raffaella Sadun Wins National Science Foundation Grant
News from HBS
“The National Science Foundation (NSF), a U.S. federal government agency that promotes and supports research and education in math, science, engineering, and computer technology, announced today that Harvard Business School associate professor Raffaella Sadun and colleagues have received a research grant as part of the NSF’s Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier Project.
“With the help of scholars from the University of New Hampshire, the University of Washington, Wellesley College, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Sadun is principle investigator in a study focusing on ‘The Next Mobile Office: Safe and Productive Work in Automated Vehicles.’
“According to the researchers, as cars become increasingly automated, they will take away a growing number of tasks from drivers, who will thus be free to engage in other activities, including efforts related to their work. The goal of the team’s research is to understand how commuters in automated vehicles can safely combine or switch between work and driving tasks. Such an increase in productive time could increase economic productivity, worker well-being, and firm profitability.”
UW Hires Experienced Entrepreneur To Lead Institute of Innovation And Entrepreneurship
News from University of Wyoming College of Business
“A successful businessman who has personally founded multiple companies and helped establish many more has been hired to serve as chief operating officer of the University of Wyoming’s new Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IIE).
“Jack Mason, who most recently was director of entrepreneurial studies at the Palumbo Donahue School of Business Administration at Duquesne University, began his work at UW this week.
“The IIE aims to help create a more robust entrepreneurial ecosystem across the university and the state, including enhanced public-private partnerships, best-of-class technology transfer and commercialization, innovations and more university-based startup companies.”
The Return Of Realpolitik And The Rise Of Populism
News from INSEAD
“The imminent departure of Chancellor Merkel marks the end of a long reign that started in 2005, in what was on the face of it a different Europe.
“European economies were doing well and, despite votes in the Netherlands and France against an explicitly supranational constitution for the bloc, the old pragmatic diplomacy of post-war Europe was still in play.
“Its motto was: use the future as a location for unresolved problems. Since there has always been a near infinite number of problems, this method kept the whole process trim in pleasant expectation of further meetings in one of Europe’s beautiful watering holes.”
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