Wednesday, December 27, 2017

2017 Ranking Of The Best International Business Schools - Poets&Quants

INSEAD tops the PoetsandQuants’ 2017 international MBA ranking from PoetsandQuants

For the third consecutive year, INSEAD’s 10-month MBA program has won top honors in Poets&Quants’ 2017 ranking of the best full-time international MBA experience. London Business School, which for many years was neck-and-neck with INSEAD for the top spot, slipped to third place behind Spain’s IESE Business School.

Otherwise, there were few ranking changes among the Top Ten international schools, with European MBA programs completely dominating the list. Spain’s IE Business School remained in fourth place, Switzerland’s IMD dropped to fifth after its tie with IE last year, and all the remaining Top Ten schools held onto their 2016 positions. HEC Paris was sixth, Cambridge University’s Judge Business School was seventh, Italy’s SDA Bocconi retained its eighth place finish, while ESADE was ninth and the University of Oxford’s Said Business School was tenth.

There were more dramatic moves up and down the ranking for many other schools, however. Germany’s Mannheim Business School rose seven places to rank 11th. The Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University in Amseterdam gained eight spots to rank 15th, while both City Univercity’s Cass Business School and the University of Hong Kong advanced 11 positions to rank 15th and 20th, respectively.


This year’s biggest rankings’ winners and losers? No school fell further than the Australian Graduate School of Management which plunged 25 places to rank 49th, from 24th a year ago. McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management in Montréal, Canada, didn’t do much better. It plummeted 20 spots to rank 60th from 40th in 2016, while the University of Edinburgh’s business school dropped 19 positions to finish at 62nd from 43rd.

Among the largest gainers were Hult International Business School, with seven campuses in locales that range from London, and Shanghai to New York and San Francisco, which climbed 17 places to rank 22nd. Audencia Business School in France rose 13 positions to finish 56th from 69th.

This P&Q list is a composite of four major and most credible MBA rankings published by The Financial Times, The Economist, Bloomberg Businessweek and Forbes. The ranking takes into account a massive wealth of quantitative and qualitative data captured in these major lists, from surveys of corporate recruiters, MBA graduates, deans and faculty publication records to median GPA and GMAT scores of entering students as well as the latest salary and employment statistics of alumni. Poets&Quants ranks U.S. schools separately (see Wharton Dislodges Harvard In 2017 U.S. Ranking).


By blending these rankings using a system that takes into account each of their strengths as well as their flaws, we’ve come up with what is arguably the most authoritative ranking of MBA programs ever published. The list tends to diminish anomalies and other statistical distortions that often occur in one ranking or another. Instead of simply merging together the four rankings, P&Q weighs them according to the soundness of their methodologies (The FT and Forbes are both weighted 30% each, while the BW and Economist rankings are each given a 20% weight.) A composite list lends greater stability to a ranking of schools that rarely change from year to year.

The very best schools on the list are ranked by all four core sources, generating something of a consensus on their reputation and overall quality. Those schools tend to dominate the top of this list. MBA programs that make only one or lists clearly have less reputational capital–and in all likelihood aren’t up to the quality of the higher-ranked schools.

This year, 71 different business school made one or more of the four lists. But only 16 of the schools won a place on all four rankings, and 10 schools were ranked by three sources. Several schools fell off this year’s P&Q ranking because they are no longer ranked by any of the four lists.


The schools that completely fell off the radar this year include two in China, Renmin’s China School of Business and Fudan University, two in Canada, the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business and Alberta School of Business. The University of Cape Town’s Business School also disappeared after placing 57th last year.

The newcomers include No. 54 Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta, one of a trio of IIMs on this year’s list, No. 57 Vlerick Business School in Belgium, and No. 59 Ryerson University’s Ted Rogers School of Business Management in Toronto, Canada.

More so than rankings of the U.S. schools, individual rankings of international MBA programs can be widely erratic, in part because rankings can markedly differ on each of the four major lists. The Economist, for example, assigns numerical ranks to many non-U.S. MBA programs that don’t even make The Financial Times‘ ranking and the same is true of the FT. The Indian School of Business, for example, is ranks as the 14th best international MBA program by the FT, but doesn’t make The Economist list or any other ranking, for that matter. The University of Queensland in Australia, is ranked as the second best international program by The Economist, yet overlooked by the FT, Forbes and Businessweek. Such anomalies are common on a ranking of the best 71 MBA programs outside the U.S. market.


With its third consecutive time at the top of the ranking, INSEAD appears to be pulling away from London Business School as the premier international MBA in the world. With its three campuses in Europe (Fontainebleau, France), Asia (Singapore), and the Middle East (Abu Dhabi), the school offers in ten short months the quintessential global immersion in business with no dominant country culture. In 2017, INSEAD was ranked first by both The Financial Times and Bloomberg Businessweek, second by Forbes, and fourth by The Economist.

What’s behind INSEAD’s consistent rankings’ performance? In an essay entitled Why INSEAD’s Time Has Finally Come, former admissions director Caroline Diarte Edwards points to five core factors: the academic excellence of the program, the fact that it is a truly international experience, providing a springboard for an international career and a global network, along with a killer return on investment in a program that can be completed in under a year.

“INSEAD’s winning formula has firmly cemented its position among the world’s  leading business schools,” she wrote. “We have certainly seen increasing volumes of applicants from the U.S. and around the globe targeting INSEAD as their first choice.”

(See following pages for the rankings tables)

INSEAD bills itself as “the business school for the world”

The Definitive List Of The Top International MBA Programs of 2017 — 1 to 25

For the third consecutive year, INSEAD tops our list of the best international MBA programs. The big news this year: London Business School falls into third place behind IESE in Spain.

School Name 2016 Rank Index Financial
The Economist Business
#1 INSEAD 1 100.0 1 (1) 4 (4) 1 (2) 2 (1)
#2 IESE Business School 3 98.6 5 (8) 3 (1) 3 (5) 2 (2)
#3 London Business School 2 98.5 3 (2) 9 (9) 2 (1) 1 (1)
#4 IE Business School 4 96.2 4 (4) 10 (5) 8 (6) 3 (5)
#5 IMD 4 96.0 10 (5) 8 (7) 5 (7) 1 (2)
#6 HEC Paris 6 95.8 9 (7) 1 (1) 10 (11) 4 (3)
#7 Cambridge (Judge) 7 95.5 2 (3) 17 (24) 6 (4) 4 (3)
#8 SDA Bocconi 8 94.2 11 (12) 7 (13) 7 (8) 5 (4)
#9 ESADE 9 93.3 8 (10) 14 (19) 9 (12) 5 (10)
#10 Oxford (Saïd) 10 88.4 18 (14) 27 (36) 4 (3) 6 (7)
#11 Mannheim Business School 18 85.7 29 (29) 11 (14) 14 (20) 8 (NR)
#12 Warwick Business School 12 85.0 24 (27) 4 (6) 23 (22) 14 (8)
#13 Cranfield School of Management 13 82.3 28 (31) 20 (16) 20 (14) 10 (6)
#13 National University of Singapore 14 82.3 13 (17) 46 (48) 19 (21) 7 (7)
#15 Rotterdam School of Management 23 80.3 17 (24) 39 (43) 29 (26) 9 (NR)
#16 CEIBS 15 73.6 6 (9) NR (NR) 26 (24) 3 (4)
#17 Manchester Business School 16 71.2 16 (21) NR (NR) 18 (19) 6 (6)
#18 City University (Cass) 29 67.1 21 (20) 22 (17) NR (NR) 12 (NR)
#19 Lancaster School of Management 17 66.0 23 (19) 26 (31) NR (NR) 11 (9)
#20 University of Hong Kong 31 62.3 22 (26) 5 (11) 7 (NR) NR (NR)
#21 Imperial Business School 28 59.5 25 (18) 35 (NR) 13 (15) 13 (NR)
#22 Hult International 39 59.3 NR (NR) 16 (23) 21 (17) 15 (NR)
#23 Melbourne Business School 20 55.9 39 (46) 6 (12) 12 (9) NR (NR)
#24 Hong Kong UST 20 54.9 7 (6) 44 (27) 25 (29) NR (5)
#25 ESMT 19 54.7 35 (36) 12 (18) 15 (13) NR (NR)

Source: Poets&Quants composite ranking
Notes: NR is not ranked; Ranks shown for The Financial Times and The Economist are for non-U.S. schools; Year-earlier rank given inside ().

(See following page for the next 25 business schools on the list)

Western University’s Ivey School of Business

The Definitive List Of The Top International MBA Programs of 2017 — 26 to 50

School Name 2016 Rank Index Financial
The Economist Business
#26 Western (Ivey) 21 52.0 44 (47) 19 (22) 11 (10) NR (NR)
#27 Queen’s University 25 51.4 49 (49) 40 (33) 16 (18) NR (NR)
#28 Ipade 26 44.5 46 (42) NR (NR) NR (NR) 9 (8)
#29 York (Schulich) 27 43.3 NR (NR) 24 (20) NR 8 (9)
#30 Nanyang Business School 31 41.3 12 (16) 30 (26) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#31 Macquarie 33 40.1 26 (30) 15 (15) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#32 HEC Montreal 30 39.6 NR (NR) NR (NR) 31 (31) 17 (11)
#33 St. Gallen 22 37.8 32 (33) NR (39) 17 (16) NR (NR)
#34 EDHEC 36 37.1 37 (44) 13 (8) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#35 Toronto (Rotman) 35 36.5 33 (32) 22 (NR) NR (23) NR (NR)
#36 Durham Business School 37 35.8 38 (38) 18 (25) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#37 Strathclyde Business School 38 33.8 40 (35) 25 (30) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#38 Grenoble de Management Ecole 44 31.7 43 (50) 31 (34) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#39 Birmingham 45 31.1 47 (48) 28 (40) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#40 University College Dublin (Smurfit) 41 30.6 36 (41) 47 (37) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#41 Copenhagen Business School 48 27.2 NR (NR) 37 (45) 30 (27) NR (NR)
#42 Indian School of Business 49 26.3 14 (15) NR (NR) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#43 Indian Institute of Mgt.-Ahmedabad 34 26.0 15 (11) NR (42) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#44 SP Jain 46 25.7 NR (NR) NR (NR) NR (NR) 16 (10)
#45 Shanghai Jiao Tong 50 24.8 19 (22) NR (NR) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#46 Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong 47 24.5 20 (13) NR (NR) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#47 Indian Institute of Mgt.-Bangalore 54 22.4 27 (34) NR (NR) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#48 Sungkyunkwan 56 21.5 30 (39) NR (NR) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#49 Australian Graduate School of Management 24 21.2 31 (37) NR (NR) NR (NR) NR (11)
#50 The Lisbon MBA 51 20.3 34 (23) NR (NR) NR (NR) NR (NR)

Source: Poets&Quants composite ranking
Notes: NR is not ranked; Ranks shown for The Financial Times and The Economist are for non-U.S. schools

(See following page for the next 25 business schools on the list)

Queensland Business School

The Definitive List Of The Top International MBA Programs of 2017 — 51 to 71

School Name 2016 Rank Index Financial
The Economist Business
#51 Queensland 55 20.0 NR (NR) 2 (3) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#52 Incae 59 18.2 41 (43) NR (NR) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#53 University of Edinburgh 43 29.2 42 (53) NR (28) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#54 Indian Institute of Mgt.-Calcutta NR 17.0 45 (NR/td> NR (NR) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#55 Henley Business School 58 16.5 NR (NR) 19 (10) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#56 Audencia Nantes 69 16.1 NR (NR) 21 (44) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#57 Vlerick Business School NR 16.0 48 (NR) NR (NR) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#58 University of Bath 42 15.7 NR (54) 23 (21) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#59 Ryerson (Rogers) NR 15.5 NR (NR) NR (NR) 24 (NR) NR (NR)
#60 McGill University (Desautels) 40 15.3 NR (45) NR (NR) 28 (25) NR (NR)
#61 ESIC 62 14.7 NR (NR) NR (NR) 27 (28) NR (NR)
#62 University of Edinburgh 43 14.5 NR (53) 29 (28) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#63 EMLyon 63 13.9 NR (NR) 32 (29) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#64 University of Monaco 68 13.7 NR (NR) 33 (41) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#65 Nottingham 66 13.5 NR (NR) 34 (35) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#66 Sun Yat-sen University 71 13.1 NR (NR) 36 (47) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#67 HHL Leipzig 70 12.7 NR (NR) 38 (46) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#68 Leeds University 61 12.1 41 (52) NR (NR) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#69 WHU (Otto Beisheim) 65 11.9 NR (NR) 42 (32) NR (NR) NR (NR)
#70 University of Liverpool 72 11.7 NR 43 (49) NR NR
#71 Trinity College Dublin 67 11.3 NR (NR) 45 (38) NR (NR) NR (NR)

Source: Poets&Quants composite ranking
Notes: NR is not ranked; Ranks shown for The Financial Times and The Economist are for non-U.S. schools


The post 2017 Ranking Of The Best International Business Schools appeared first on Poets&Quants.

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