Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Best Online Courses To Prepare For An MBA - Poets&Quants

The Lison MBA's best online MBA Prep courses

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have been revolutionizing education since the late 2000s, offering professionals and students worldwide fast and cheap ways of acquiring new skills and expanding their knowledge on virtually every subject. Platforms such as Coursera, Udacity, NovoEdOpenClassAlison and EDX (just to name a few) have been growing steadily and the quality of the online courses on offer is now beyond dispute.

While the Internet cannot compete with traditional higher education institutions, namely in the face-to-face and immediate interaction between students, Faculty and business executives, it can be a very useful tool during your preparation for an MBA. This blogpost suggests some courses that may help you ace your application and your MBA.

On Applications

If you feel overwhelmed by MBAs’ admissions processes and at a loss as to how best to navigate it all, relax: there are some very good MOOCs that will teach you some basic yet key tricks and skills to ensure you present a confident version of yourself to institutions and admissions managers. Our choice is Get into the Top MBA Schools + MBA Admission Tips, taught by the Columbia MBA and former Goldman Sachs’ employee Chris Haroun. It’s a comprehensive course on all aspects of applications, as well as on decision-making regarding schools and MBAs. Check it out, but don’t forget that you should explore all of the web’s offers to find out the adequate solution for your needs!

On Effective Communication

Most platforms offer courses on writing, preparing for interviews and debating. Since a major part of your application process involves some sort of communication, as does an MBA itself (essays; language exams; personal interviews; group work; public speaking and presentations; etc.), a course focused on effective ways of expressing your opinions and discussing specific topics is a good bet for an MBA applicant. Coursera’s Effective Communication: Writing, Design and Presentations aims directly at future business leaders, focusing on accuracy and elegance and exploring both contents and graphics.

On Finance, Strategy and/or Marketing

Most MBA students have been away for school benches for some time by the time their MBA begins. While professional life can undoubtedly be a constant intellectual challenge, lectures and academic work have their own rules and vocabulary. Enrolling in a MOOC on Finance, Strategy and/or Marketing (depending on personal preferences) can be a clever way of returning to a traditional studying routine while you wait for the kick start of your program, ensuring better time management and learning habits that may take away some of the pressure you’ll certainly feel. Plus, it’s a smart way of familiarizing yourself with new terms and trends (in English) that shape discussions in whatever field you’re most interested in, helping you make the most of the topics your MBA will address. There are literally hundreds of MOOCs on offer about these and other subjects; just conduct a thorough research on the main platforms and select the ones right for you.

On Post-Graduation Plans

Finally, don’t forget your post-graduation ambition! Life-changing though it may seem, the year you devote to your MBA is a stepping stone to higher goals, and you must bear them in mind throughout the entire program. Kickstarting your MBA Plans + All About Post-MBA Careers, available at Udemy, cleverly combines advice on how to perform during your MBA and on how to manage your career once you graduate. You can start planning your future as a business leader today!

Happy studying and do reach us if you have any queries. The Lisbon MBA Admissions Team will be happy to help! 

The Lisbon MBAMarta Andaluz is Director of Marketing and Admissions at The Lisbon MBA, a joint venture between two top European Schools based in Lisbon: Católica-Lisbon and Nova SBE. They offer a 1-year Full-Time MBA and an Executive MBA in collaboration with MIT Sloan School of Management. 


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